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ncptl-logextract manual page


ncptl-logextract - Extract various bits of information from a coNCePTuaL log file


ncptl-logextract --usage | --help | --man

ncptl-logextract [ --extract=[data|params|env|source|warnings]] [ --format=format] [format-specific options...] [ --before=string] [ --after=string] [ --force-merge [=number]] [ --procs=string] [ --quiet] [ --verbose] [ --output=filename] [filename...]


Background    coNCePTuaL is a domain-specific programming language designed to facilitate writing networking benchmarks and validation suites. coNCePTuaL programs can log data to a file but in only a single file format. ncptl-logextract extracts this log data and outputs it in a variety of formats for use with other applications.

The coNCePTuaL-generated log files that serve as input to ncptl-logextract are plain ASCII files. Syntactically, they contain a number of newline-separated tables. Each table contains a number of newline-separated rows of comma-separated columns. This is known generically as comma-separated value or CSV format. Each table begins with two rows of header text followed by one or more rows of numbers. Text is written within double quotes. Double-quote characters and backslashes within text are escaped with a backslash. No other escaped characters are recognized. Lines that begin with # are considered comments.

Semantically, there are four types of data present in every coNCePTuaL-generated log file:

  1. The complete source code of the coNCePTuaL program that produced the log file
  2. Characteristics of the run-time environment and the values of all command-line parameters
  3. A list of warning messages that coNCePTuaL issued while analyzing the run-time environment
  4. One or more tables of measurement data produced by the coNCePTuaL program

The first three items appear within comment lines. The measurement data is written in CSV format.

Extracting information from coNCePTuaL log files    It is common to want to extract information (especially measurement data) from log files. For simple formatting operations, a one-line awk or Perl script suffices. However, as the complexity of the formatting increases, the complexity of these scripts increases even more. That’s where ncptl-logextract fits in. ncptl-logextract makes it easy to extract any of the four types of log data described above and format it in variety of ways. Although the number of options that ncptl-logextract supports may be somewhat daunting, it is well worth learning how to use ncptl-logextract to avoid reinventing the wheel every time a coNCePTuaL log file needs to be processed. ncptl-logextract takes care of all sorts of special cases that crop up when manipulating coNCePTuaL log files.


ncptl-logextract accepts the following command-line options regardless of what data is extracted from the log file and what formatting occurs:


Output the Synopsis section and the Options section then exit the program.


Output a complete Unix man (“manual”) page for ncptl-logextract then exit the program.


Specify what sort of data should be extracted from the log file. Acceptable values for info are listed and described in the Additional Options section and include data, params, env, and source.


Specify how the extracted data should be formatted. Valid arguments depend upon the value passed to --extract and include such formats as csv, html, latex, text, and bash. See the Additional Options section for details, explanations, and descriptions of applicability.


Output an arbitrary string of text before any other output. string can contain escape characters such as \n for newline, \t for tab, and \\ for backslash.


Output an arbitrary string of text after all other output. string can contain escape characters such as \n for newline, \t for tab, and \\ for backslash.


Try extra hard to merge multiple log files, even if they seem to have been produced by different programs or in different execution environments. This generally implies padding empty rows and columns with blanks. However, if --force-merge is given a numeric argument, the value of that argument is used instead of blanks to pad empty locations. Note that --force-merge is different from --force-merge=0 because data-merging functions (mean, max, etc.) ignore blanks but consider zeroes.


When given a “merged” log file, unmerge only the data corresponding to the comma-separated processor ranges in string. For example, --procs=0,16-20,25 unmerges the data for processors 0, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 25. By default, ncptl-logextract uses all of the data from a merged log file.


Suppress progress output. Normally, ncptl-logextract outputs status information regarding its operation. The --quiet option instruct ncptl-logextract to output only warning and error messages.


Increase progress output. Normally, ncptl-logextract outputs basic status information regarding its operation. The --verbose option instruct ncptl-logextract to output more detailed information. Each time --verbose is specified, the program’s verbosity increases (up to a maximum).


Redirect the output from ncptl-logextract to a file. By default, ncptl-logextract writes to the standard output device.

The above is merely a terse summary of the ncptl-logextract command-line options. The reader is directed to the Additional Options section for descriptions of the numerous ways that ncptl-logextract can format information. Note that --extract and --format are the two most common options as they specify what to extract and how to format it; most of the remaining options in the Additional Options section exist to provide precise control over formatting details.


The ncptl-logextract command-line options follow a hierarchy. At the top level is --extract, which specifies which of the four types of data ncptl-logextract should extract. Next, --format specifies how the extracted data should be formatted. Valid values for --format differ based on the argument to --extract. Finally, there are various format-specific options that fine-tune the formatted output. Each output format accepts a different set of options. Many of the options appear at multiple places within the hierarchy, although usually with different default values.

The following hierarchical list describes all of the valid combinations of --extract, --format, and the various format-specific options:

--extract=data [default]

Extract measurement data

--format=csv [default]

Output each table in comma-separated-value format


Do not output column headers


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data columns [default: “,]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data row [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data rows [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data row [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header column [default: same as colbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header columns [default: same as colsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header column [default: same as colend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header row [default: same as rowbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header rows [default: same as rowsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header row [default: same as rowend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each table [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate tables [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the end of each table [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to begin quoted text [default: “"]


Specify the text used to end quoted text [default: same as quote]


Output strings in a format readable by Microsoft Excel


Enumerate the columns that should be included in the output [default: all columns]


Specify how to merge data from multiple files [default: “mean]


Add an extra header row showing the filename the data came from [default: “none]


Output each table in tab-separated-value format


Do not output column headers


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data columns [default: “\\t]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data row [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data rows [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data row [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header column [default: same as colbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header columns [default: same as colsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header column [default: same as colend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header row [default: same as rowbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header rows [default: same as rowsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header row [default: same as rowend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each table [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate tables [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the end of each table [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to begin quoted text [default: “"]


Specify the text used to end quoted text [default: same as quote]


Output strings in a format readable by Microsoft Excel


Enumerate the columns that should be included in the output [default: all columns]


Specify how to merge data from multiple files [default: “mean]


Add an extra header row showing the filename the data came from [default: “none]


Output each table in HTML table format


Do not output column headers


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data column [default: “<td>]


Specify the text used to separate data columns [default: “ ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data column [default: “</td>]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data row [default: “<tr>]


Specify the text used to separate data rows [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data row [default: “</tr>\\n]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header column [default: “<th>]


Specify the text used to separate header columns [default: same as colsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header column [default: “</th>]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header row [default: same as rowbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header rows [default: same as rowsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header row [default: same as rowend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each table [default: “<table>\\n]


Specify the text used to separate tables [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each table [default: “</table>\\n]


Specify the text used to begin quoted text [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to end quoted text [default: same as quote]


Enumerate the columns that should be included in the output [default: all columns]


Specify how to merge data from multiple files [default: “mean]


Add an extra header row showing the filename the data came from [default: “none]


Output each table as a gnuplot data file


Do not output column headers


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data columns [default: “ ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data row [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data rows [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data row [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header column [default: same as colbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header columns [default: same as colsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header column [default: same as colend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header row [default: “


Specify the text used to separate header rows [default: same as rowsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header row [default: same as rowend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each table [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate tables [default: “\\n\\n]


Specify the text placed at the end of each table [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to begin quoted text [default: “"]


Specify the text used to end quoted text [default: same as quote]


Enumerate the columns that should be included in the output [default: all columns]


Specify how to merge data from multiple files [default: “mean]


Add an extra header row showing the filename the data came from [default: “none]


Output each table as an Octave text-format data file


Do not output column headers


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data columns [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data column [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data row [default: “”]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data row [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header column [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate header columns [default: “_]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header column [default: “”]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header row [default: “]


Specify the text used to separate header rows [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header row [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each table [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate tables [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed at the end of each table [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to begin quoted text [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to end quoted text [default: same as quote]


Enumerate the columns that should be included in the output [default: all columns]


Specify how to merge data from multiple files [default: “mean]


Add an extra header row showing the filename the data came from [default: “none]


Output each table in a completely user-specified format


Do not output column headers


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data columns [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data column [default: “”]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each data row [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate data rows [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each data row [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header column [default: same as colbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header columns [default: same as colsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header column [default: same as colend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each header row [default: same as rowbegin]


Specify the text used to separate header rows [default: same as rowsep]


Specify the text placed at the end of each header row [default: same as rowend]


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each table [default: “”]


Specify the text used to separate tables [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed at the end of each table [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to begin quoted text [default: “” ]


Specify the text used to end quoted text [default: same as quote]


Output strings in a format readable by Microsoft Excel


Enumerate the columns that should be included in the output [default: all columns]


Specify how to merge data from multiple files [default: “mean]


Add an extra header row showing the filename the data came from [default: “none]


Output each table as a LaTeX tabular environment


Use the dcolumn package to align numbers on the decimal point


Use the booktabs package for a more professionally typeset look


Use the longtable package to enable multi-page tables


Enumerate the columns that should be included in the output [default: all columns]


Specify how to merge data from multiple files [default: “mean]


Add an extra header row showing the filename the data came from [default: “none]


Extract the program’s run-time parameters and environment variables

--format=text [default]

Output the parameters in plain-text format


Read from a file the list of keys to output


Ignore any keys whose name matches a regular expression


Sort the list of parameters alphabetically by key


Exclude environment variables


Exclude run-time parameters


Format environment variable names using the given template [default: “%s (environment variable)]


Output the parameters as a 1-, 2-, or 3-column table [default: 1]


Specify the text used to separate data columns [default: “]


Specify the text that’s output at the start of each data row [default: “”]


Specify the text that’s output at the end of each data row [default: “\\n]


Output a list of the keys only (i.e., no values)


Read the list of parameters to output from a given file


Ignore any keys whose name matches a regular expression


Format environment variable names using the given template [default: “%s (environment variable)]


Sort the list of parameters alphabetically by key


Exclude environment variables


Exclude run-time parameters


Output the parameters as a LaTeX tabular environment


Read from a file the list of keys to output


Ignore any keys whose name matches a regular expression


Format environment variable names using the given template [default: “%s (environment variable)]


Sort the list of parameters alphabetically by key


Use the booktabs package for a more professionally typeset look


Use the tabularx package to enable line wraps within the value column


Use the longtable package to enable multi-page tables


Exclude environment variables


Exclude run-time parameters


Extract the environment in which the program was run

--format=sh [default]

Use Bourne shell syntax for setting environment variables


Separate commands with newlines instead of semicolons


Unset all other environment variables


Switch to the program’s original working directory


Use Bourne Again shell syntax for setting environment variables


Separate commands with newlines instead of semicolons


Unset all other environment variables


Switch to the program’s original working directory


Use Korn shell syntax for setting environment variables


Separate commands with newlines instead of semicolons


Unset all other environment variables


Switch to the program’s original working directory


Use C shell syntax for setting environment variables


Separate commands with newlines instead of semicolons


Unset all other environment variables


Switch to the program’s original working directory


Use Z shell syntax for setting environment variables


Separate commands with newlines instead of semicolons


Unset all other environment variables


Switch to the program’s original working directory


Use tcsh syntax for setting environment variables


Separate commands with newlines instead of semicolons


Unset all other environment variables


Switch to the program’s original working directory


Use ash syntax for setting environment variables


Separate commands with newlines instead of semicolons


Unset all other environment variables


Switch to the program’s original working directory


Extract coNCePTuaL source code

--format=text [default]

Output the source code in plain-text format


Specify the text placed at the beginning of each line [default: “”]


Specify the text placed at the end of each line [default: “\\n]


Specify the text placed before each keyword [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed after each keyword [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed before each string [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed after each string [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed before each comment [default: “” ]


Specify the text placed after each comment [default: “” ]


Indent each line by a given number of spaces


Wrap the source code into a paragraph with a given character width


Extract a list of warnings the program issued during initialization

--format=text [default]

Output warnings in plain-text format


Specify text to appear at the beginning of the list [default: “” ]


Specify text to appear at the end of the list [default: “” ]


Specify text to appear before each warning [default: “]


Specify text to appear after each warning [default: “\\n]


Output warnings as an HTML list


Specify text to appear at the beginning of the list [default: “<ul>\\n]


Specify text to appear at the end of the list [default: “</ul>\\n]


Specify text to appear before each warning [default: “  <li>]


Specify text to appear after each warning [default: “</li>\\n]


Output warnings as a LaTeX list


Specify text to appear at the beginning of the list [default: “\begin@{itemize@}\\n]


Specify text to appear at the end of the list [default: “\end@{itemize@}\\n]


Specify text to appear before each warning [default: “  \item ]


Specify text to appear after each warning [default: “\\n]

The following represent additional clarification for some of the above:


If no filenames are given, ncptl-logextract will read from the standard input device. If multiple log files are specified, coNCePTuaL will merge the data values and take all other information from the first file specified. Note, however, that all of the log files must have been produced by the same coNCePTuaL program and that that program must have been run in the same environment. In other words, only the data values may change across log files; everything else must be invariant. See the description of --merge in the Additional Options section for more information about merging data values from multiple log files.

ncptl-logextract treats certain files specially:

ncptl-logmerge treats filenames ending in .tgz as if they ended in .tar.gz and filenames ending in .taz as if they ended in .tar.Z.

If the argument provided to any ncptl-logextract option begins with an at sign (“@”), the value is treated as a filename and is replaced by the file’s contents. To specify an non-filename argument that begins with an at sign, merely prepend an additional “@”:


The option this is given the value “that”.


The option this is set to the contents of the file called that.


The option this is given the value “@that”.


For the following examples, we assume that results.log is the name of a log file produced by a coNCePTuaL program.

Extract the data in CSV format and write it to results.csv:

ncptl-logextract --extract=data results.log --output=results.csv

Note that --extract=data is the default and therefore optional:

ncptl-logextract results.log --output=results.csv

ncptl-logextract can combine data from multiple log files (using an arithmetic mean by default):

ncptl-logextract results-*.log --output=results.csv

Put the data from all of the log files side-by-side and produce a CSV file that Microsoft Excel can read directly:

ncptl-logextract results-*.log --output=results.csv --merge=all \
       --showfnames=first --excel

Output the data from result.log in tab-separated-value format:

    ncptl-logextract --format=tsv results.log

Output the data in space-separated-value format:

    ncptl-logextract --colsep=" " results.log

Use gnuplot to draw a PostScript graph of the data:

ncptl-logextract results.log --format=gnuplot \ | gnuplot > results.eps

In the above, the file might contain gnuplot commands such as the following:

set terminal postscript eps enhanced color "Times-Roman" 30
    set output
    set logscale xy
    set data style linespoints
    set pointsize 3
    plot "-" title "Latency"

(There should be an extra blank line at the end of the file because ncptl-logextract strips off a trailing newline character whenever it reads a file using “@”.)

Produce a complete HTML file of the data (noting that --format=html produces only tables, not complete documents):

    ncptl-logextract --format=html
       --before='<html>\n<head>\n<title>Data</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n' \
       --after='</body>\n</html>\n' results.log

Output the data as a LaTeX tabular, relying on both the (standard) dcolumn and (non-standard) booktabs packages for more attractive formatting:

ncptl-logextract --format=latex --dcolumn --booktabs \
      --output=results.tex results.log

Output the run-time parameters in the form “key ---> value” with all of the arrows aligned:

ncptl-logextract results.log --extract=params --columns=3 --colsep=" --> "

Output the run-time parameters as an HTML description list:

ncptl-logextract results.log --extract=params --before='<dl>' \
      --rowbegin='<dt>' --colsep='</dt><dd>' --rowend='</dd>\n' \

Restore the exact execution environment that was used to produce results.log, including the current working directory (assuming that bash is the current command shell):

eval `ncptl-logextract --extract=env --format=bash \
      --unset --chdir results.log`

Set all of the environment variables that were used to produce results.log, overwriting—but not removing—whatever environment variables are currently set (assuming that tcsh is the current command shell):

eval `ncptl-logextract --extract=env --format=tcsh results.log`

Extract the source code that produced results.log:

ncptl-logextract --extract=source results.log

Do the same, but indent the code by four spaces then re-wrap it into a 60-column paragraph:

ncptl-logextract --extract=source --indent=4 --wrap=60 results.log

Here are a variety of ways to express the same thing:

ncptl-logextract -e source --indent=4 --wrap=60 results.log
ncptl-logextract -e source --indent=4 results.log --wrap=60
cat results.log | ncptl-logextract --wrap=60 --indent=4 -e source

Output the source code wrapped to 72 columns, with no indentation, and formatted within an HTML preformatted-text block:

ncptl-logextract --extract=source --wrap --before="<PRE>\n" \
      after="</PRE>\n" results.log

List all of the warning messages which occur in results.log:

ncptl-logextract --extract=warnings results.log


ncptl-logmerge(1), ncptl-logunmerge(1), the coNCePTuaL User’s Guide


Scott Pakin,

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Scott Pakin,